O₂Tree’s rounded standards and half-standards are available in various shapes and sizes, from a beautiful red- or green-leaved globe Norway maple to a graceful Viburnum Tinus with white flowers. The trees remain compact and the trunk never grows taller than the height when it is bought. The trees grow as from the graft, which is where the bare trunk ends and the canopy begins.
The height of the trunks of rounded standards and half-standards is ‘fixed’ and the canopy grows slowly. The leaves facilitate evapotranspiration (link to 'Ability to purify' page), a type of evaporation that cools the air. It makes them perfect for a smaller garden. The trees are also wonderful features in larger gardens; imagine a row of beautiful rounded catalpa standards along the driveway or stunning flowering Japanese cherry trees in the border.
Rounded standards and half-standards are easy to look after, as they’re relatively small trees which grow slowly. You can find information about pruning, fertilisation, etc. for each species on this website.